Keep windows when quitting an application
When enabled, open documents and windows will be restored when you re-open an application.
⚠️ Restarting the Mac or closing the session is necessary to take the changes into effect.
- Tested on macOS:
- Sequoia
- Parameter type: bool
Set to true
(default value)
Keep windows when quitting an application. Open documents and windows will be restored when you re-open an application.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain "NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindow" -bool "true"
Set to false
Close windows when quitting an application. Open documents and windows will not be restored when you re-open an application.
defaults write NSGlobalDomain "NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindow" -bool "false"
Read current value
defaults read NSGlobalDomain "NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindow"
Reset to default value
defaults delete NSGlobalDomain "NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindow"
Set value from UI
This setting is the inverse of the following option accessible through System Preferences.
- Open the Desktop & Dock preference pane in System Preferences.
- Toggle "Close windows when quitting an application".